Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Facebook Timeline Plus Scam

"Facebook timeline plus" is supposedly a Facebook application that promises to allow you to see who's viewing your timeline (statistics) and provide you with an advance privacy settings  through which you can go private or reveal

who hides as offline in your chatbox. The timeline plus app also claims to allow you to change your timeline color and theme  via new timeline plus designs and color palettes.

Cool!!! This is the best update Facebook has ever made! You can now Design your own Timeline! Easy to use Timeline designer on TIMELINE PLUS Try it here>>>

Facebook Timeline Plus Scam

While many Facebook users clearly want to have these features added to the functionality of their accounts, it is clear that the app is another hoax. Facebook has not rolled out viewer statistics, advance privacy settings and new timeline color palette features and even if they plan to do so in the future, Facebook itself will give the official announcement just as they did when they acquired instagram earlier this week.

Fake facebook apps are known to redirect victims to survey sites or prompt them to download files that can be harmful to their computer (e.g viruses and similar malwares).  Stay away from providing Facebook timeline plus access to your Facebook account. Otherwise, the app will likely use your account to spam your friends and tag them with photos that will lure more to use this rogue Facebook app.

Removing Facebook Timeline Plus

If you have been duped by this malicious app and your account is spamming your friends to use Facebook Timeline Plus, here's what you should do:

  • Untag yourself from posts or images promoting the Facebook timeline plus scam. This will help prevent others from seeing the misleading post or image of the timeline plus.

  • Go to ACCOUNT SETTINGS and then APPS. Find the Facebook timeline plus app (if named to something else, find the latest app you used before you start to send out spammy messages.

  • Click the x mark beside the app  to remove it.

  • Your Facebook should stop sending spam now.

  • Warn your friends about “Timeline Plus” Facebook messages, share this post on Facebook.