Friday, July 1, 2011

Girl Forgot to Turn Off the Webcam

One of the messages that now circulate in the social networking site is supposedly about a girl who forgot to turn off the webcam. Like most Facebook spam, This girl will never forget to turn her webcam off again is characterized by an intriguing headline. This is apparently to rouse the curiosity of readers so they can be enticed to click on the link appearing as an image or video.

Girl Forgets to Turn Webcam off FB Spam

There are variations of the messages and links as they appear on Facebook. These include the following:
Watch what happens when forgets to turn off your kamera!

This girl will never forget to turn her webcam of again
This girl should have really turned her cam off and not forgot.

haha, this girl forgets to turn her cam off
Girl forgets to turn off webcam
The Best Girl on Webcam ever!
The best girl on webcam ever! (warning you must be 18+ to watch this)

How to Get Rid of the Girl Forgot to Turn Off the Webcam Spam

Go to your profile and click the x mark beside the spammy post to either remove the post or report as spam.

Remove auto posted messages in your wall

Facebook scammers may market something, try to collect your personal or login data for malicious purpose (facebook phishing) or lure you into answering surveys where they can profit from you answering questions or giving out your contact number.This Girl Forgot to Turn Off the Webcam Facebook message is an attempt by scammers to make people visit links or pages that contain third party survey ads. The scammers earn money whenever you answer and provide information to these survey forms.

You may also want to check the apps you are using:

  • Remove this malicious facebook scam application via your account's settings. Click Account (top right) of your Facebook and go to Privacy Settings

  • Scroll down below and click on ‘Edit Your Settings’ under Apps and Websites.

Remove facebook spam from profile

You should get rid of the spam application ASAP if you have provided the app with access to your account. Otherwise, it will start to send out malicious messages to your friends under your name. It may also post unsightly images in your wall.

  • Under Apps You Use, click Remove unwanted or spammy apps or the Edit settings button.

  • Find and click on the malicious app. Note: The application may vary so make sure to check unfamiliar and new applications.

  • Click on ‘Edit Settings’ and 'remove app'. You may also want to get rid of other applications you don't want to have access to your facebook account data.

facebook scam removal

  • Change your password.

  • Help your infected friends by sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter.


  1. Laura Spc SabotageJuly 3, 2011 at 8:33 PM

    guys, if you want to look at p##r n, facebook is not the place.

  2. Laura Spc SabotageJuly 3, 2011 at 8:34 PM

    but they still get the virus

  3. @ Timm Klose Du wirst sie auch nie sehen !!
    Wünsch dir nen schönes Wochenende .
    Roland Lemken

  4. Remove this malicious facebook scam application via your account’s settings:
    You can click the x mark beside your pos to either remove the application or revoke publishing rights.

  5. Hay un virus que esta infectando las paginas de Facebook. Esta manana alguien lo subio a mi "Wall/Pared", pero lo elimine de mi cuenta. Quizas ustedes lo han visto; dice: This Girl will Never Forget to Turn Her Webcam off Again.

  6. wille f0r dat l0l il slap her if she waz my doughter shittttt niqqkazz gone crzy like rft.#.

  7. For those who tried to open the Facebook link "This girl should have really turned off the web cam...", please read the steps to remove the malicious scam and Facebook Apps in your account!

  8. Michael, I tried to follow the steps to remove the spam message but couldn't find the spam mail, it disappeared. Why?

  9. I am not saying you should follow this Remedy for Spam....just be aware and not click on all links.
