A new Facebook scam is circulating around the social network. The "Rihanna "S3X" Tape" scam with it's variant the "Kim Kardashian "S3X" Tape" spreads like wildfire over emails and social networking sites. The scam starts with an infected email or post on Facebook then automatically posts comments on your friend's status messages. When someone intrigued by the link and clicks it he is then taken to an external link that takes him or her to a verification page which then takes him or her to another page requiring that the person take a survey or trial to view the video. There are no actual videos. It is just a ploy or a tool for them to hijack you Facebook accounts and spread the link.
To remove the Rihanna "S3X" Tape Facbook Scam or the Kim Kardashian "S3X" Tape, Please follow the instructions given on this link (click here).
Pass on this critical information to all your friends that may be infected by this scam. Many thanks and stay safe.
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