Thursday, June 30, 2011

Look What He Did After Her Ex Girlfriend Posted on His Wall

If you see Look what he did after her Ex girlfriend posted on his wall messages in Facebook, be warned that this is a is a clickjacking. Once you click on this message and its attached links, the messagewill be automatically posted on your wall wall. Cyber crooks spread these messages to lure people to answer surveys.

The following are variants of this survey scam:

Boy reaction after his Ex girlfriend posted on his wall.
OMG! Look what he did to get revenge on his ex-GF!

Look What He Did After Her Ex Girlfriend Posted on His Wall
lol What true pain both are having at this moment

How to remove Facebook Spam Applications and Messages

The guide below will provide you info on how to delete facebook spam messages in your wall. This may event prevent the facebook spam links from spreading in your social network. Note that whenever your friends click facebook clickjacking messages from you or follow those deceitful links in your wall, they too will likely spread the malicious links and messages.

  • Go to your profile and click the x mark beside the spammy post to either remove the post or report as spam.

facebook scams
You may also want to check the apps you are using:

  • Click Account (top right) of your Facebook and go to Privacy Settings

  • Scroll down below and click on ‘Edit Your Settings’ under Apps and Websites.

how to stop facebook spam

  • Under Apps You Use, click Remove unwanted or spammy apps or the Edit settings button.

how to remove facebook spam

  • Find and click on the malicious app. Note: The application may vary so make sure to check unfamiliar and new applications.

  • Click on ‘Edit Settings’ and 'remove app'. You may also want to get rid of other applications you don't want to have access to your facebook account data.

facebook scam removal

  • Change your password.

  • Help your infected friends by sharing this post on facebook or twitter.

    1. In my case I could not find any malicius application in my profile. I'm wondering that facebook is unable to detect those worms and disable them immediately.

    2. no me interesan esos asuntos, no se porque razon llegan a mi correo

    3. I've done all this without referring to these instructions :)).
